LoveHerFeet – Zoe Bloom -Zoe Bloom- My kinky student lets me worship her feet.
60I believe that I am infatuated with my teacher. When he is teaching his class all, I can think about having sex with him and as sickening it sounds but imagines of sucking my toes worshiping them. In some instances, my randiness for him becomes so uncontrollable that I even begin to play footsie with the men in class under the table. Well, professor Pierce caught me in the act today. He informed me that it was not the first time I had done so in his presence and this day he is going to offer punishment. Therefore, later that day when I was going home, I stopped by at his place and asked him not to report it to the dean. When he opened the door, much to my surprise, after explaining why I was there he welcomed me in. He mentioned that he was just going to record a report addressed to the dean. I begged him not to report and with nowhere left, I opened up about the foot fantasies that involve his case. His reaction was that of a shock, but I could tell from his face he felt flattered and aroused too. Therefore, I slid out of my seductive sandals made of lace and rested them on his well-formed lap that was occupied by pinkish feet. He fought at first yet with his developing spine it was clear that the insidiousness in him additionally developed and he became pulled towards her. It was not long before he started sucking my sexy toes making me wet whenever I thought about his act. My fantasy was coming true. He made me while playing with my sexy feet and toes then devoured ate at least 50 of those juicy pussy. I was eager to make him a feet job so I could definitely feel his massive hard cock pulsate inside my tender little foot supports. He bent me over and fucked all his massive cock till I came. He kept on penetrating me while licking the long toes and fucking, that made him ejaculate multiple times. In the end, he splattered his dense creamy load all over my filthy feet. I wiped off his cum on my feet then licked and sucked it from the sweetness as I wetted in inside out. I believe I was persuasive enough so that he did not feel it necessary to file the report in question.