LoveHerFeet Lily Ford- Stunning blonde rides a fat cock and has her feet worshipped.
113My just laptop went off on me therefore had to go across the street and beg my friend for her laptop. Her father came and opened the door, he said she was not at home and if I need anything from them. So I told that woman I needed to use her laptop she stepped aside and admitted me. It was always Mr. Parker to hmif, as a MILF I never thought I would be sitting here alone with him, considering that the house will remain empty for some time. We spent some time in the living room and as we spoke for a long, I felt the hornier i was. Clearly, he was scanning me and that only increased my will to drive him crazy. I realized that he must have a fetish for my feet because from the time I entered his office, he had never stared away from them. When I began grinding my hips on his thighs, he had an erection that could not have been bigger. Okay so now I was really looking forward to seeing how big his cock was. First of all, I was right. It took an enormity of place. My toes especially, close-ups Oh, I can barely squeeze in a mouthful but the rest of it was perfect for wrapping my sexy French pedicured toe around its girth. I drove him insatiable by my feet so he fucked me really hard. Long before that, I had come all over his cock so many times when he then sprayed my feet with the hot sticky fluid. Omg, I don’t even want to imagine what would have happened if my friend knew that I had sex with her father. But to be truly honest it was so worth doing!