LoveHerFeet – Diana Grace- cumming on this hotties soft soles.

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850K followers. It just got stuck there. They tell you that it takes a minimum of one million followers to be successful as a social media identity. Therefore, today I wish that this will all be transformed. One of the renowned French painters Anthony Gaultier asked me to visit him at his place for an evaluation concerning one of his projects. That would certainly boost my followers if he selects me as his muse. I dressed up in a red air wearing that sexy high pertaining to heels. After I got to his place, we settled in the living room and began discussing this project of his … yet all along he could hardly take his eyes off my legs clad in those sexy heels. He rose me to my feet while he took a good look at me. This was weirdly embarrassing because that turned me on. He loved my red heels; however, I later fundamental as to why that was because he liked feet and mine were indeed supple. I understood that, if I really desired for this gig on the basis of whatever it takes. I therefore allowed him to do what he wanted. He went on to take off my shoes and sniff my legs. He was so much into it that he began to kiss and lick my legs , feet, and toes. Naturally, we did not end there however … he gradually descended to feast upon my pussy. He revealed his large cock and I got it wet with a messy blowjob, giving him toejob. He loved it. I was set on my back and he began to fuck me in the drenched see-through pussy while still sucking off skin from my toes, lapping at each charged flesh. He was getting it so hard from the rear and I orgasmed. Finally, he ejaculated all onto the soles of my creased feet. I believe this will give my career a boost, hopefully towards popularity.


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